In order to form a more perfect union, this Republican Doctrine is set forth herein as a roadmap to Prosperity, Security and Freedom for all Americans.
Support for the men and women in uniform who protect our State and Nation.
Accelerate the Modernization of our State National Guard to protect all Nevadans from cyber terrorism and biological warfare.
Modernize Education to give every Nevadan the opportunity to reach their full potential
Support and defend All Constitutional Amendments (States Rights).
Simplify the State Statutes (NRS) to be fair and support innovation and growth.
Promote fiscal policies that ensure a state balanced budget.
Eliminate state welfare fraud and reduce welfare spending.
Protect Rural Nevada from uncontrolled growth that jeopardizes our heritage and natural resources.
Champion energy policies that benefit all Nevadans.
Freedom from Government Interference in our Personal Lives.
No more Affirmative Action – or any other form of discrimination.
Strengthen Democracy through Campaign Finance Reform and Election Integrity.
Liberty from Government Surveillance (Traffic Video, Cell Tracking, Satellites, etc.)
Liberty from Forced Purchases
Liberty to Decide what to put in Our Bodies and what not to
Liberty to keep and Bear Arms to protect Our Families, Our Community, and Our Nation
Moving the Party Forward with Core Conservative Policies that are Good for All Americans.
A Party Platform that Unites Republicans as a Single, Strong Voice.
Nevada and the United States of America have always been and must always be the place where citizens enjoy the greatest degree of freedom to pursue their dreams and aspirations with the least amount of government interference. For this very reason, we have achieved greatness and supremacy above all other Nations.